As the International Axe Throwing Championship in Toronto rapidly approaches, we’d once again like to take the time to emphasize our Code of Conduct.
Participation and involvement in the International Axe Throwing Championship, or any International Axe Throwing Federation sanctioned event, is a privilege. By the act of your participation, service, employment, attendance, representation, or in any other manner of involvement at any IATC event you are acknowledging that you have thoroughly read the IATF Code of Conduct, that you fully understand the IATF Code of Conduct, and that you agree to completely follow and abide by the IATF Code of Conduct at all times.
At the International Axe Throwing Championship, the IATF will be taking the Code of Conduct with the utmost seriousness. Examples of negative behavior that will not be tolerated include, but are not limited to:
- Abusive or otherwise inappropriate verbal, written, or physical actions
- Harassment or violence
- Aggressive, dangerous, or unsafe behavior
- Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental ability, or religious beliefs
- Disregard of facility rules, the regulations of the sport, or the role of officials
During the IATC, each day at every venue at the start of every event, the IATF will remind everyone of the Code of Conduct, as well as introducing the specific person(s) responsible for overseeing the Code of Conduct at that location. If you experience, or otherwise become aware of any behavior as outlined above, please report it to the specified person(s). The IATF will be fully investigating all reports, incidents, issues, violations, and concerns.
The International Axe Throwing Federation reserves the right to enforce the Code of Conduct with discipline up to and including elimination or suspension from competition, removal from facilities, and disqualification from further participation in any IATF sanctioned event including leagues and tournaments.
We encourage all members of our community to take the time to refresh your memory of the Code of Conduct on our website and recommit yourself to upholding not only the letter, but the spirit of the words. Remember that this code applies to all participants and all levels of IATF events: throwers, operators, spectators, participants, vendors, and more.
We recommit to you, our community, to uphold the code through our actions as well as our words. We join you in your dedication to building a strong community that fosters healthy competition.
You can reach the IATF at You can also reach out to your Panel of Throwers members.
Thank you to the Panel of Throwers for their collaboration on this statement.
Thank you for ensuring the safety of everyone in Our Sport, Our Community, Our Federation.