Dear IATF Community,
I am writing you this letter to provide transparency and clarity into the state of the International Axe Throwing Federation as an organization. I hope that you will take the time to read and reflect on its content. I write this with the intention of giving the community that I love better insight and understanding into the reality of our situation: the IATF needs revenue to be able to cover its own costs of operation.
Since 2016, we were able to build the foundations of the IATF by providing our services for free until the end of 2022. We did this intentionally to support our throwers and members through this period of growth. We developed and supported the AxeScores app at no cost to the throwers or venues. We established NATC and then IATC to connect our community while keeping ticket and registration fees low. From the beginning, our guiding principle was to support the thrower and the venue.
We develop, maintain, and innovate the AxeScores app in order to support our member organizations in the planning and execution of leagues, tournaments, and other events. IATC has steadily increased to meet the demands of our growing thrower base. The global increase in the price of goods and services requires that we increase registration costs. In the past two years we have demonstrated a trend towards sustainability as we build revenue streams to support the costs of operation, salaries for employees and budgets for tournaments, marketing, merchandise, etc… The IATF costs money to run.
Separating financially and structurally from BATL is one of our top priorities. Myself and Chris Collins have, for a long time, juggled responsibilities to both BATL and the IATF. This year we are transitioning out of our leadership roles at BATL to focus fully on the IATF. We want to work with our community members to maximize our resources together. Look out for volunteer opportunities to work with us on projects for the IATF and at IATC.
Our first step towards the sustainability of the IATF was to initiate a monthly membership fee in November 2022. The implementation of these fees for IATF members was immediately invested back into the community:
- Launching the Integrated Tournament Circuit connecting 35 tournaments worldwide in its first year
- Developing the Panel of Throwers
- Upgrading and expanding AxeScores modules to diversify competition styles (such as Doubles Leagues)
- Establishing more communication through the IATF Community Forum
- Increasing our Federation visibility online and at our member venues
- Signing almost 20 new member organizations in the last year.
- Collecting information and implementing a smooth rule change that reflects the needs of the venues and our throwers.
We are proud of what we’ve accomplished and grateful for the support from all over the Federation over the last 18 months and especially the last 8. The revenue from fees has been instrumental in our ability to accomplish these things. We are continuing to build momentum post-pandemic and gain interest from potential partners and sponsors. Our small team is very selective about what we focus on so that the IATF can be sustainable long term and thrive.
Thriving for the IATF looks like large-scale sponsorships to subsidize host venues and prize money. Thriving looks like a robust, multi-tiered tournament circuit so everyone has a place where they can compete and grow as a thrower. Thriving looks like the global footprint of IATF members tripling in the next 2 years. And thriving looks like the IATF managing how much of our costs come from fees to the throwers and members, versus sponsorships and investments.
The potential of the IATF is utilizing the resources and learnings from our community and our strength is connecting the individual venues to succeed together. I see that in the prosperity of grassroots venues around the world with dedicated league members who come to represent their clubs internationally. I see it in the creativity of community makers who have built brands that bring axe throwers together. I hear it in the passionate voices writing blogs and making podcasts to start discussion on every aspect of this sport that has captured us all so completely. I see it in a future where the IATF is able to continue to secure the longevity of axe throwing. The best future of the IATF requires all of us to work together to make our Federation the center of our sport for members and throwers.
Please continue to use the IATF channels of communication available to guide our focus and join our efforts elevating our sport and our community through:
- Member organizations
- Your Panel of Throwers
- The Community Forum on Facebook
- AxeScores priorities on Upvoty
- Email
We read everything you send us. We hear you and it has been essential to ensuring we are moving in the right direction.
I appreciate you all. Your passion and dedication for this amazing sport is what inspired the IATF. I hope you will continue to support our Federation as we look to build on these last many months and grow into something truly special, long lasting and global.
Thank you for time and for your support,
Matt Wilson
International Axe Throwing Federation