December 20, 2024

Updates to the AxeScores app and


We have made a series of updates to AxeScores over the past few weeks to address features and bugs reported via Upvoty, by IATF members, and via email.


The following updates are live on AxeScores now:


  • We’ve updated the 81 Club and the 75+ Average Club. Both Clubs now have separate views for Standard and Premier.

  • Some Standard 81s were not previously reporting on the Club list; the underlying issue has been resolved and this list will stay current, updating weekly on Mondays.

  • The (unofficial) Wilson Cup qualification status can be viewed on at this link: or by selecting “IATC 2025” from the AxeScores home page. The qualification status is intended to give players looking to qualify for Wilson Cup a sense of where they are in that process. The official list will be produced after the qualification period ends March 7, 2025.

  • Some Recreational leagues, mostly related to past tournaments, appeared on players’ profile stats. The underlying issue has been addressed and these should no longer appear there.

  • Premier playoff Clutch statistics are now separated between 5 and 7-point clutches on A coming update to the AxeScores mobile app will bring this feature to that platform.


Several AxeScores updates are in progress.


We are aware of some impossibly high scores present in the stats. We’ve been working to understand how these happen and how best to address them. Having done that, these results are beginning to be corrected. It is a gradual process that should be completed by mid-January.


The next update to the AxeScores mobile app will bring some highly requested features:


  • Premier CRS on players’ profiles; this will be in addition to Standard CRS for players with both ratings.

  • Wilson Cup (unofficial) qualification status will be included on player profiles.

  • Updates to the 81 Club, 75+ Average club, and Premier playoff clutch stats to the mobile app.

  • Google and Facebook have some coming updates to their social login flow. These should have little impact on the user, but it is a necessary update that we are spending the time to ensure works as expected.

Thank you for reading.


  • If you have any questions, email us at

  • Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.